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Showing posts from September, 2022

FAQ Schema & Drop down list HTML & CSS #Blogger

 Demo: Click here! <!-- FAQ Schema & Drop down list inside head section css -->          <style>summary {     font-size: 19px;     font-weight: 600;     background-color: #F1F1F1;     color: #333;     isolation: isolate;     padding: 1rem;     margin-bottom: 1rem;     box-shadow: -8px -4px 8px 0px #ffffff, 8px 4px 12px 0px #d1d9e6;     border-radius: 0.25rem;     text-align: left;     cursor: pointer;     position: relative; } details &gt; summary::after { position: absolute; content: &quot;+&quot;; right: 20px; } details[open] &gt; summary::after { position: absolute; content: &quot;-&quot;; right: 20px; } details &gt; summary::-webkit-details-marker { display: none; } details[open] summary ~ * { animation: sweep .5s ease-in-out; isolation: isolate; margin-bottom: 1rem; background-color: #EEEEEE...

A Thought on Chemisty

Learning chemistry requires both the assimilation of many concepts and the development of analytical skills.Chemistry is called the Mother subject . It is the central science . Chemistry can't be separated from our life. From renewable energy to environmental sustainability and from improved health to genetically modified organism(GMO),we chemist are everywhere . Chemistry is just not only about learning principles of chemistry but it's the philosophy which makes a human critical thinker . As a student of chemistry,we need to serve our professional interest and be more advanced. As chemistry is a practical subject at the end, we have to understand every concepts,mind mapping them all and have a good problem solving skill . As Alphabets are basics of english. Basics of chemistry are  nomenclature, stoichiometry, and thermochemistry . Thermochemistry is basics because after all we deal with energy changes in chemical energy. Learning chemistry requires both the assimilation ...

Blogger Guidence & Tools for making such awesome website(Code:BGT)

(Click here) to redirect to Blogger Guidence and Tools for making such awesome website(Code:BGT)

Increase widgets in Category labels:Category list buttons in Speedily Template

code:Just change 111 to 112,113,114 and so on......for more widget  <b:widget id='Image 111 ' locked='true' title='Ranking Experiments' type='Image' version='2' visible='true'>              <b:widget-settings>                <b:widget-setting name='displayUrl'></b:widget-setting>                <b:widget-setting name='displayHeight'>100</b:widget-setting>                <b:widget-setting name='sectionWidth'>150</b:widget-setting>                <b:widget-setting name='shrink...

What books should I read for B.Sc chemistry? #Guidence

. B.Sc Books For physical chemistry Atkins' Physical Chemistry [approx 1000 pages] Physical Chemistry By Puri Sharma Pathania [approx 1500 pages]   A Textbook of Physical Chemistry (Vol. 1 to 4 for Basic Physical Chemistry) by K L Kapoor B.Sc Books For Inorganic Chemistry Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D.Lee[approx 1000 pages][Mandatory]  Inorganic Chemistry by Huheey James E[approx 1000 pages][Gem but hard to understand the language], Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry by Wahid U. Malik, G. D. Tuli and R. D. Madan's [Basics][approx 800 pages] B.Sc Books For Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Book by T. W. Graham Solomons [approx 1300 pages], Organic Chemistry Book by Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, and Stuart Warren[approx 1300 pages][Holy book of organic chemistry], ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Book by BHUPINDER MEHTA and Manju Mehta[approx 1300 pages][For Basics][Best for semester exams]   Organic Chemistry by S M M...